Forward: I'm going to go ahead and assume you are poiletly ignoring my awesome garage. Just like you've been doing for the last few posts. Thanks.
My nice grandpa noticed that his neighbors were getting ready to throw this away and rescued it for me. People! Please NEVER EVER put something like this in the actual trash. Even if you think it seems like actual trash. I promise that there will always be someone like me around who will be more than happy to take it off your hands in 2 seconds flat or faster. It's a little cracked and its a little rickety, but I can fix that. Just wait. I've got plans. Its going to be a beaut. People, you're going to want it back.
I got started on it yesterday and I can't wait to put it in my shop.
Thanks Grandpa! I love you!
can't wait to see what you do with it. It's got such a great shape. jealous!