
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Where Have You Been All My Life?

RIP, Crappy, Crappy Sanders

My "good" sander has been slowly dying on me for a while now. My old backup sander has always been highly annoying but reliable. Last week they both decided to give up the ghost. Literally within hours of each other, sort of like an old married couple. Except I wasn't sad like I would be if they actually were an old married couple- I was just ticked off. While I've been anxiously awaiting an excuse to get a new one, and have had my eye on a few fancy-schmancys at Home Depot, the day the Crappies dies I needed to be sanding right. now. So I thought I would settle for something at Walmart until I had time to make an informed decision on a more expensive model. Plus around here, Walmart is way closer than Home Depot. I came home with this little beauty. And lo and behold, its AWESOME! Smooth as butta, I tell ya. Maybe its just been a long time since I had a new sander (it has) but I'm in love! Its a random orbit model and I swear it purrs.

I'm pretty sure this makes me a sander nerd. Do I look like I care? (I don't.)

Come to Mama.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha! Congrats on the new sander! Someday I will buy one too...someday.
