
Monday, November 7, 2011

What Would You Do? And, Full of Guts.

As mentioned in my previous post, I'm currently recovering from a giant butt-kicker of a summer and fall and am trying to get back to work. I have a couple of projects brewing, but one of them poses a conundrum for me.  It's this beauty here:

An awesome vintage solid wood crib with beautiful detail and inset panels on each end.  I about hyperventilated and peed my pants when I found it.  I swear, if Zoe wasn't halfway through her crib usage, it would be hers. 

It is totally sturdy, with all metal parts. Tyler laughed that its probably in better shape than either of the plastic-part cribs our kids have slept in.  I have amazing plans dancing through my head.  So here is the question of the hour: If you felt that it was completely safe and sturdy, would you buy and use a vintage crib?  What if it was all rebuilt?  Or is it better used in a re-purposed way?  I also have some ideas floating around for that, but I would love love love to refinish and sell it as a crib. I just think it's gorgeous.  Please people!  Give me some input!

And there's also this little girl with her guts hanging out. Hopefully I can remedy that.  Stay tuned.



  1. Try to fit a soda can through the slats. If you can't I think it is safe as long as it is sturdy. And I would totally buy it. I am sorely tempted right now. Let me know what you think you would charge for it. kimrusty811 at gmail dot com

  2. I personally would be very hesitant to buy it but I'm pretty paranoid about things that I can't find safety ratings for. :)

  3. I LOVE it but think that most people these days would not buy it or use it because of safety ratings. I had a family heirloom iron bed and although I used it for my first by the time my second came along I was no longer a clueless first timer and I chose to buy a bed I thought would be safer - regardless of the fact that most of my family members & my own little own had successfully slept in the iron bed without incident!
    Crazy, I know but I think I'd repurpose it if "Our little family" doesn;t snatch it up! :)

  4. I would have to agree, my children slept in a bed that my husband slept in when he was a baby without any problem, but I know my two daughters would never buy a bed that wasn't safety rated. Better to play it safe and repurpose.
