This was just one of my Auction Beauties. Is there even a word to describe how much I adore this canvas seed sack? I don't know. I just know it was love at first sight. You probably all think I'm as nutty as the nice elderly lady sitting next to me did when I bid on it. (Incredulously, I was the only bidder. No. That is not a sign. There was something wrong with everyone else there.) Do I know or care if this is a vaulable vintgage find? Nope. Although that would be cool. I don't even care if its still mass-produced by the thousands somewhere in Clover Land. It just comes back to the love. I love the colors, I love the print, I love the texture of the canvas.
I also love the back.
I might perhaps be crazy, but I don't care. My heart was actually racing when the auctioneer assistant put it in my hot little hand. I have big plans of cuteness for this bag - just you wait.